The Secret To Overcoming Anxiety

NO, it’s not medication and it’s not what you think.

Do you ever suffer from anxiety? This is an important article that could make a world of difference to you.

“According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 31% of us will have anxiety in our lifetime. Over 264 million individuals have anxiety worldwide today.”

If left without intervention, anxiety usually gets worse, it recurs again and again with further impact each time. Treatment takes longer and gets more expensive, and in severe cases the long term effects cannot be reversed.

Untreated anxiety can lead to:

  • Poor job performance You may stop going to work or your work performance may severely suffer. Fatigue, cognitive decline or body aches and pains frequently cause people to lose time from work. This can then have a knock on effect in other areas of your life and can cause increased risk for other mental illnesses.

  • Problems in your relationships You may feel misunderstood or become irritable. Some people find it difficult to maintain relationships and are often worried about the relationship, causing further strain.

  • Decreased physical health and overall wellbeing Unexpected and repeated episodes of intense fear are accompanied by physical symptoms that may include chest pain, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, dizziness, or abdominal distress. This leads to a compromised immune system and other mental disorders - such as depression, substance abuse and in severe cases, self-harm or suicide.

When you see a passionate expert, someone who lives and breathes relieving anxiety everyday, someone who is fanatical and dedicated to helping you cope better, you’ll finally be in the right hands to get fast and effective relief to overcome anxiety. You’ll be back to enjoying your life and feeling more like “you”.

You will be able to:

🙌 Feel more confident and clear minded so that you can improve your job performance.

🙌 Enjoy your relationships and the time you spend alone so that you can enhance the quality of your relationship with yourself and others.

🙌 Find a sense of peace and improve your overall wellbeing - mentally, emotionally, physically or spiritually - so that you can cope better with life’s challenges. Dizziness and abdominal pain, be gone!

Feeling anxious is not a natural state for you to be in and I do not agree with the idea that you need to rely on medication to overcome it. It does NOT work, there is no evidence to back it up. Medication does not treat the root cause of your anxiety, it just temporarily relieves (masks) your symptoms. 

If you’ve ever wanted to relieve anxiety once and for all then keep reading, THIS secret might just change your life.

To find fast and lasting relief from anxiety, you need to TREAT THE CAUSE, not just the symptom. 

What does that mean? If you are feeling dizzy or experiencing abdominal pain, rather than taking something to help you feel more calm and comfortable, you could also identify what is making you feel anxious and transform it at the root cause instead. 

How do you know what the root cause is? It is your PERCEPTION, it is the way you look at a situation that causes the way you react to it - in turn causing your anxiety. If you can change the way you think and feel about a situation, you will be able to choose the way you respond to it. 

For example, a conflict with a loved one may trigger feelings of rejection for you, or you see it as a good thing, it’s a constructive growth opportunity for you both to express and learn how to meet each other's needs. So, here you can see that it’s not the situation that’s causing your anxiety - it’s the way you perceive the situation that creates your response to it.

The way you change your perception is by changing your limiting beliefs. The first step towards changing your limiting beliefs is to become aware of them.

If any of this relates to you then you’ll be glad to learn that we have developed an Wellbeing Session to help you overcome your anxiety, once and for all.

It’s a 45 minute session that helps you cope better with life’s challenges, transforming you into a state of peace around a particular situation.

If this resonates with you and you’re ready to overcome your anxiety now, then you can book a risk free Wellbeing Session now. 

Click the button to book a time and I will see you soon!

P.S If you don’t experience a reduction in your anxiety within 30 days - let us know and we’ll give you your money back guaranteed.

There’s no catch, the only thing you’ve got to lose is your anxiety. You won’t regret it.

If you’re still not sure if this is for you, you can book a complimentary 15 minute Discovery Call to see if working together to overcome your anxiety is the right solution for you.